Friday, April 19, 2019

Episode 20: The Case For Jesus' Resurrection - Part 5: Answering Unanswered Questions

This is the conclusion of a 5 part series on the resurrection of Jesus. In this finale of the series, Evan Minton answers some questions that commonly come up during his discussions with skeptics on the historical evidence for the resurrection of Jesus. "Why didn't Jesus appear to Pilate and the Pharisees?", "Why does Mark's gospel end with no post-mortem appearances?", "Why don't more historical sources mention Jesus if He existed?", and others are questions that Mr. Minton addresses in this podcast episode. Finally, for anyone who has been persuaded by the arguments and evidence in this podcast series, Mr. Minton closes with a mini-sermon on how to move from merely acknowledging the truth of Christianity to saving faith.


  1. Hey what do you think about this argument?

    In the earliest and only firsthand source written by someone who claims to "have seen" Jesus, Paul basically says "Jesus appeared to them and appeared to me too." No distinction is made and the appearance to Paul was a vision (took place while Jesus was located in heaven so was not a physical encounter with a revived corpse Gal. 1:16). So without reading in your knowledge of the later gospel reports (which actually evolve over time and are not firsthand) you have no reason to think the appearances were anything other than visions from heaven like Paul had.


  2. I've heard this argument a lot. Quite frankly, the skeptic is grasping at straws. I responded to this argument in the article below.

    You may have to copy/paste the web address into your browser. Hyperlinks don't seem to work in Blogger comment sections for some reason.
