Saturday, March 30, 2019

Episode 13: The Case For The Preterist Reading Of Matthew 24

Jesus' sermon in Matthew 24, also known as the Olivet Discourse, is one of the many biblical passages that comes up during discussions of the end times. Most Christians however, presuppose that everything Jesus prophesies has not yet been fulfilled, it's still in our future. This makes some excited when blood moons occur, when they watch the news and see all of the turmoil in the world, the "wars and rumors of wars", "famines and earthquakes in various places", and people who claim to be Jesus (because Jesus said near the end that many would say "I am The Christ") etc. But what if all of the end times speculation built around Matthew 24 is built upon a false presupposition? What if, in fact, Matthew 24 has already been fulfilled? In this podcast episode, Evan Minton will read his paper "The Case For The Preterist Reading Of Matthew 24" which argues that The Olivet Discourse was completely fulfilled by the end of the first century.

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Saturday, March 23, 2019

Episode 12: The Soteriological Case For Molinism

In this week's episode, Mr. Minton reads aloud his paper "The Soteriological Case For Molinism". Molinism is a theological system that seeks to account for divine sovereignty and human freedom. Molinism is the view that God uses His knowledge of what any free creature would freely choose in any given circumstance to orchestrate every event that occurs without violating human freedom in the process. In last week's episode, Mr. Minton showed that The Bible teaches that human beings have libertarian free will, that God has middle knowledge, and that God meticulously controls all things. He showed how only Molinism can fully harmonize and account for all 3 biblical teachings. In the paper Mr. Minton is reading in this week's episode, he shows that The Bible teaches several facts about the doctrine of salvation, and that, while traditional Arminianism and traditional Calvinism can account for SOME of these biblical teachings on the doctrine of salvation, they fall short of explaining ALL of The Biblical data. Calvinists and Arminians often have to downplay or explain away some of the biblical texts. Molinism can account for everything The Bible teaches concerning soteriology. It doesn't have to explain away any biblical passage. Therefore, Christians who want to embrace the whole word of God ought to affirm it.

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Saturday, March 16, 2019

Episode 11: Is Evolution Compatible With The Bible? - Interview With Michael Jones

Darwinian Evolution and The Bible's teaching of creation: are these two mutually exclusive? Many Christians and atheists think that they are. Michael Jones of Inspiring Philosophy does not. Jones holds to the view most commonly known as Theistic Evolution, and he debated his view with Kent Hovind back in January on Modern Day Debate's YouTube Channel. In this episode, Mr. Minton interviews Jones on his view of creation as well as comments on the debate he had with Hovind. You won't want to miss this week's episode!

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Saturday, March 9, 2019

Episode 10: The Case For Mere Molinism

If God is in control, how can human beings have free will? On the other hand, if human beings don't have free will, how can God hold us morally accountable for the things that we do? The Bible teaches that God is sovereign over all things but also that human beings are genuinely free to make decisions. The Bible itself doesn't give us the answer to how these two biblical teachings can both be true. To harmonize them is the task of systematic theology, not biblical theology. Molinism is a theological system that seeks to account for divine sovereignty and human freedom. Molinism is the view that God uses His knowledge of what any free creature would freely choose in any given circumstance to orchestrate every event that occurs without violating human freedom in the process. In this podcast episode, Mr. Minton reads aloud his paper "The Case For Mere Molinism" which shows that out of all the theological systems on the table, only Molinism can account for the entirety of Scripture's teachings.

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Sunday, March 3, 2019

Episode 9: From Alcohol To Apologetics - Interview With David Parrish

This week's guest is David Parrish. He tells us of his incredible story of how Christian Apologetics not only saved his faith when he was wrestling with doubts, but how it also helped him get out of alcoholism and consequently saved his marriage! Additionally, Minton and Parrish talk about how local churches are failing to ground their congregations by neglecting the rich intellectual resources of Christianity and focusing on shallow Bible reading and emotional experiences. David Parrish also talks about his concern to get Apologetics to infiltrate the arts.